Have a safe summer with non-slip mats – Perfect for swimming pools and other wet areas!

School’s out all summer. After a busy spring packed with exams, homework and studying, pupils get to enjoy a luxurious 6 weeks with no more pencils and no more books (as the song goes). As you can imagine, those in education now have a lot of time on their hands.


A popular choice everyone loves to do during the summer are water activities, especially kids. The heatwave is upon us and this is great way to cool down in the scorching summer heat. This also means more people including kids will be swarming swimming baths, water parks, and other fun activities/places that involve water.

Water park


Although this is a great source of entertainment for everyone, it’s important to stay safe this summer. Water activities and places prone to water can cause slippery wet floors, which increases the risk of slips, trips and falls. No one wants to spend their time at hospital with an injury that could’ve been easily avoided. Especially during the hottest time of the year.

However, there is a simple solution to prevent these unfortunate events from occurring. The answer to this problem is non-slip mats. Perfect for wet areas and can save your summer!


Why are non-slip mats important for bare foot wet areas?


Improves safety by preventing slips and minimising accidents

Lagune Mats


During the summer, more people are going to spend their time doing activities that involve water to keep cool. In wet areas such as water parks, swimming baths, shower rooms, and other locations where water is present, non-slip mats are able to provide traction under foot. In addition, mats like the Lagune Bare Foot mats includes a self-draining construction which leads to a dry surface, stopping people from slipping and greatly improves health and safety.




Improves hygiene



To enhance health and safety around swimming pools and other wet areas, bare foot non-slip mats are best. The Heronrib Wet Area Non-slip mats are comfortable for bare feet and contain anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. Areas that are prone to water could potentially grow bacteria. As a result, this could become a threat for people walking around bare foot as they could potentially pick up infections. Therefore, the Heronrib Non-Slip mat contributes to health and safety standards by improving hygiene in bare foot areas. 


Improves comfort underfoot


While enduring high foot traffic, mats like the Ultima Bare Foot Wet Area Mats provide a warm, comfortable surface whilst bare foot. Making sure you have a pleasant experience all round. Just like the Heronrib Non-Slip mat, it is also treated with anti-bacterial additives to protect against mould, mildew, fungi and other germs.










Non-slip mats allow you to live life to the fullest with extra safety! Other benefits of non-slip mats include:

  • Resistant against bacteria
  • Strong, flexible and self-draining
  • Ability to cover areas of all sizes
  • Quick and easy to assemble
  • Pleasing to look at and visually contributes to your environment
  • Easy to clean


Need more help with non-slip mats?

We want to help you have a safe and sound summer. For more information, please get in touch with us by our contact page, or phone us on 0121 313 6748.

We hope you all have a blast this summer!

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