How to cut a Coir Mat

How to cut a Coir Mat

We frequently get asked out by customers how they can cut their coir mat to a specific size, to fit into a mat well for example. Therefore we have put together a simple step-by-step guide on the easiest way of cutting coir matting.


1. Turn the coir mat over so that the backing is face up

2. Use a tape measure or a large ruler to measure the size that you require and make a mark with a pen. Take measurements and make markings at multiple points on the mat backing to ensure accuracy.


Taking Coir Measurements


3. Line up the measurements using a steel rule or a spirit level for example.

Lining up Coir

4. Cut along the mat backing against the steel rule or spirit level that has been used to line up the measurements. Use a sharp Stanley knife to cut through the backing of the matting.

Cutting Coir

5. Peel the two pieces apart and turn over to reveal your cut to size coir matting. Ta da!

Cutting Coir Finished



How to install Coir Coconut Matting into a well or recess

Click the video below and learn how to install your brand-new coir mat into a well or recess.



Coir/Coconut Matting from Mats4U


If you're unsure about cutting coir yourself, don't worry! We can cut to size according to your preference.

Take a look at our Custom Size Coir mats.

So there’s our simple step by step guide on the easiest way to cut your coir mats to size. However, if you have any further questions, please just contact us on 0121 313 6748 or and we will more than happy to help.

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