Kneeling Down at Work? Then Worship your Knees

Kneeling on RoofDisorders of the musculoskeletal system are the main cause for absence from occupational work. This has considerable cost implications on not only the health system but also, more often than not, has a great effect on the income of the person afflicted, as well as negatively impacting the lifestyle they lead, not to mention the wider impact on their families too.

Repeatedly overloading the joints in positions that the body is not built for can cause long-term damage and, in more severe cases, may lead to irreversible damage resulting in disability.




Jobs that require prolonged periods of kneeling down, will likely lead to overloading of the knees. Such jobs include, but are not limited to:

  • Plumbers
  • Electricians
  • Gardeners
  • Flooring fitters
  • Construction workers
  • Technicians
  • Mechanics
  • House workers


The best course of action is to limit, or even better, eliminate the time spent kneeling down. Having the correct balance between work and rest will help reduce the risk, as will training the joints in order to strengthen them. In addition, it is advisable to reduce the load being placed on the joints. This can be achieved in the following ways:

  • Working in a more upright posture with arms closer to the body
  • Cushioning the joints through:
    • Wearing knee pads
    • Using a cushioned kneeling mat

Kneeling Mat

At Mats4U we sell specialist mats designed for those who need to kneel down regularly, or for those who have knee problems and find it difficult or painful whenever they are required to kneel. The mats are cushioned and so will reduce the load on the joints when knelt on. This can help to increase productivity due to the fact the person is able to kneel down for extended periods of time and the knees become less fatigued.

If you would like some personal advice on the best mats for you to choose, you can speak to one of our mat experts over the telephone by calling 0121 313 6748, or emailing




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