Get fit this year with standing desk mats!

Get fit this year with standing desk mats!

We all know someone that has made a New Year resolution to become fitter and healthier in 2020. You could even be one of them. In fact, every year millions of people share this common resolution, so you’re not the only one! Maybe you and others have planned to join the gym, ditch unhealthy snacking, and reduce alcohol intake. We have another method that might help your fitness goal, and the answer is standing up at work.


Benefits of standing up at work Standing desk mats

Many of us work in offices, which requires us to sit in one place at a desk for hours. Since you use less energy because you’re not moving around, a deskbound work life can induce heart disease, obesity and other chronic health implications.

Standing up at work may seem daunting, but it’s easier than you think. It has also been proven that this small change is a healthier alternative and a more active way of working.

Other benefits of standing up at work include:


Reduces obesity

When you stand and move around, your body burns more calories which reduces the risk of obesity. This also means that you’ll be getting more physical activity and prevents calories accumulating leading to weight gain.


Lowers sugar level

Regular shifts in standing position lessen the risk of diabetes. This is because you are getting more physical activity and burning off blood sugar, therefore controlling the risk of diabetes.


Maintains muscle tone

Sitting down a lot can deteriorate leg and glute muscles due to lack of movement. These muscles are used for walking and stabilisation. More movement maintains muscle mass and strengthens leg and glutes. Also reduces the risk of injury for when you exercise.


Improves physical and mental health 

Not only do standing mats boost physical health, but they can also improve your mood. Little movements while standing up promotes an active way of working and has a positive effect on mental health, so those who sit down a lot are missing out on these benefits.


Reduces pain and muscle fatigue

Staying seated throughout your work shift can lead to discomfort, pain and muscle fatigue. Muscles are constricted and blood flow decreases which makes it harder for blood to pump around constricted areas. With standing desk mats, they provide comfort underfoot which helps muscles to expand and contract to help improve blood circulation.


How standing desk mats can help

Standing desk mats

Of course standing up all day at work isn’t always ideal either, especially on hard or concrete floors, that is why standing desk mats are recommended.

Standing desk mats are becoming more recognised in the UK due to the health benefits. They are anti-fatigue mats with a cushioned core surrounded by rubber, PVC or other robust materials. This alleviates stress on muscles, provides comfort while standing and also encourages less sitting which contributes to overall health.

While a standing desk mat helps to be more active, you can also consider other forms of exercise that will help you achieve your New Year resolution!



Need more information on standing desk mats?

If you’re looking for a standing desk mat to enhance your work life, you’ve come to the right place. Please check out our anti-fatigue matting here. For more information on our mats, do not hesitate to call us on 0121 313 6748, or email With many years in the industry, we’ll give you expert advice.

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